Adam and Eve (Part 5)

What is the tree that was prohibited for Adam (PUH)
Tales and speeches had differed about of what type is it and what is it. Some said it is wheat and some said it is vine and grape while others said it is camphor and still others said it is the fig. It is said also that it is the tree of good and evil and it was said it is the tree of eternity that the Angels used to eat from, and more had been said. From M'anee Al-Akhbar [seems a book name] in its basing to Al-Harawee said: I said to Al-Ridha (PUH): O son of prophet of God, tell me about the tree that Adam and Eve ate from, what was it? because many people differ in its nature, some say it is wheat, some say it is grape and some say it is tree of the envy, then he said (PUH): all of that is right, then I said: then what is the meaning of all these different opinions? then he said (PUH): O Aba As-Silt [=Al-Harawee], the tree of paradise carries types, so it was wheat carrying grapes and it is not like the trees of our life, and when God honoured him and Reminded him of the prostrating of Angels before him and Letting him into the paradise, he (Adam) said to himself: did God created a human better than me? and God knew what was between him and himself and so Called him and told him: O Adam, left up your head and look to the leg of the Throne, so then Adam left up his head and looked into the leg of the Throne and found there it was written on it: No other God but Allah, Muhammad is the prophet of Allah, 'Ali ben Abi Talib is the Appointed from God and his wife Fatima is the mistress of all women, and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain are the masters of paradise's young people, so said Adam: O Lord, who are they? then said His Highness: they are from your descendants, and they are better than you and than the rest of my creation, and for them only I did create you, and Created paradise and hell, and heavens with earth, so be aware not to envy them and wish for their place and so demon would take control over you, so then he got something in hisself about them and then did the demon control over him until he ate from the tree that he was prohibited from, and took control over Eve for her thoughts of envy about Fatima (PUH) until she ate from the tree like Adam did, and so God put them out from His side down to earth.

And in contents of the tale as it is with other tales, the word "wish for their place" points out that the meaning is "glee" and not "envy" in its real meaning, because glee like wishing for their place, and envy is wishing for their obsolescence, because envying is a sin and points out to a lame character and the glee is totally against that, and it is impossible for the father of human beings and prophets and messenger, and the one whom Angels did prostrate before by God's commandment and whom God Had created with His Hands and Inhabited in paradise then had been chosen by God and Made him a prophet, it is impossible for him to be an envious one, and from this point we believe that the prohibition from eating from that tree was a prohibition for the purity and not for a taboo, and it was mentioned before something about the protection of prophets against doing sins and there is more to do about that to come to you by God's well, and the meaning of the tree of envy is that eating from it was because of envy, and if it was the envy it would not have been eaten.

And it is mentioned that if it wasn't Adam's (PUH) guilt, no faithful would have done any guilt ever, and if it wasn't that God relented toward Adam, there would not have been any repentance for any guilty ever, and from Al-Sadiq (PUH) that he was asked that how come the inheritance of man is as much as twice of that of females so he said (PUH): that is because the number of fruits that Adam and Eve ate were eighteen, twelve were eaten by Adam and six were eaten by Eve and so the inheritance is made up as mentioned before.

It had been told that when Adam was down from paradise a black mole appeared in his face from the top of it til its feet and so long was his sadness and crying for this, then came Gabriel (PUH) and said to him: why crying Adam? so he (Adam) said: for this mole that occured in me, so then he (Gabriel) told him: get up and pray, it is time for the first prayer, so Adam did that and the mole shrinked to his chest, then he (Gabriel) came again at the time of the second prayer and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the second prayer and so he did and the mole shrinked to his navel, and then came again at the time of the third prayer and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the third prayer and so he did and the mole shrinked to his knee, then he came at the time of the fourth prayer and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the fourth prayer and so he did and the mole shrinked to his legs, then he came at the time of the fifth prayer and Adam did the same and the mole was out of him and he thanked God for this a lot, then Gabriel did say to him: O Adam, your sons in this prayer are like you in this mole, and who would pray from your sons each day and night five prayers he would be out of his sins as you got out of this mole.
And also in a speech that when Adam (PUH) got down on earth he got a beard as black as coal, so he held it with his hand and said: O Lord, what is this? and He answered him: this is the beard, I made it as an ornamet for you and your male descendants until the doomsday. And it was mentioned before that the inhabitation of Adam and Eve in paradise was for seven hours until they got out of it, and that God breathed in Adam with His Spirit after the sunset of Friday and then Created Eve after him, then Commanded the Angels to prostrate before him and Made him inhabit His paradise since then, and the Imam (PUH) swore [not mentioned which Imam is it] that they did not stay more than these hours on that day until they did what was prohibited then God got them out after sunset and didn't stay in it (Paradise) and they were moved to the yards of paradise until it was the morning and their loins appeared then their Lord said to them: Did not I prohibited you from that tree, so Adam got ashamed and shy of his Lord and said: O our Lord, we did wrong to ourselves and made a confession of our sins, O may You forgive us, then did God say: get down from My heavens to earth for no sinners would be in My paradise nor My heavens.

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