Sooo O_O Weird.

Haip! this going to be the first post i had ever created with my own words, so shy to write it in the first place. But i tried my best so that everyone enjoy reading this. what?? I can hear you. Could you please speak louder? Owhhh, why i'm writing this post? Why I'm doing this even I dun like it? Okay, i know this is weird (for me also), but recently i keep blog-walk (thanks to YS) through many talented blogger and I realize something important, 99% blog that i read was actually being written by using its own blogger's words; some sort like diary i think. Hurm, it's so funny you know. There're a lot of comment also in every post. The words are so lovely, warmly describe every situation, condition that the writer experiences. I don't care actually either the 'story' was really happen or not in Writer actual life, I just enjoy reading its. So from this point, I set my mind back, and I told myself from now onward I want to be like them. But it's not necessary for me to write my diary on this (Uwhoohohoh, I'll become crazy you know if I wrote my own story on this blog. Try imagine this, you wrote a diary that supposed to be a secrete, but then you post its to the internet, which every single person in the whole world could read its, my gosh! it's sounds crazy to me. What you guys think?). You'll be disappointed if you're hopping that i'll wrote my diary here.

OK then, what I'm going to write on if it's not about my diary?  I wonder, this is quite hard question to be answered. Wait a minute k! I tried checking this on my blog dictionary . k2, i found the answer!! Ok, in chapter 10, page 10, lines 10, and the 10th words, it's clearly said; NOTHING... I'm just joking alright, don't be mad.

Seriously, since I'm really like in poem, human behavior research, writing and reading a story, therefore I will share all this things with you guys!! Hopefully i'll successfully publish its, because i'm a lazy person actually . So finally, this blog will really be a Ceritakudulu story i thought! 

p/s: To my little sister, don't be shock when reading this post, k!

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