Adam and Eve (Part 1)

Useful Caution
About what was been told in the Holy phrases of the saying of the damned which is "Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk in ambush for them on Thy Right Path...etc", it is apparent that the damned thought God made him astray and this is something can't be accepted by the right-thinking minds and it is against and opposes the justice and the holiness that are well-known of God may praise be to Him, and above all these mistaken words about Him He shall be. And so the damned appointed to God that He made him astray, and this is what is mentioned in the creed of Jabarism [Another coined term by me] of Al-Asha'irah (?) [seems a branch of this creed], and it is one of the corrupted believes without any doubt about that, because its contents is not accepted by me, nor others would accept it for themselves.

Is it possible for someone to accept for himself being mentioned that he obliged a slave of him to do mischiefs and sins and then punish him for doing this? No and no, and this is the case here of what had been appointed to God, The most exalted. May God make shame be with them, as He made it with their master and director and teacher the damned Iblis may damnations be upon him. All of the matter was because of his wrong chosen path, and God exiled him and avoided him from His mercy and banned him from His paradise, because he rebelled and refused His command to prostrate to Adam (PUH) with the rest of Angels, and them (PUT) didn't stop for one moment but prostrated directly as they are commanded to do and they did not think about a reason for this and didn't get a pride against it, but instead they did obey the command of their Lord and don't think about anything else except His command, and never argue about it.

When God examined Iblis by prostrating for Adam (PUH), he got so high with his pride and honour for what he was created of and got rebelled, and God knew his intention and his perversity, and all of his long worshipping and praising was only for the sake of life and for what he wishes and deems, and so he got wicked by his soul and obeyed it and so it owned him and captivated him away from his Creator. And when God wanted to put him under the test and wanted him to refuse what his soul is ordering him to do, he disbelieved in His grace and got ready for war, and so he is a foe for the Great God, The One of Grace, and then his greatest foe is this to whom he was ordered to prostrate before him and that is Adam (PUH) so he sat his hate for him (Adam) and for his descendants until the time of doomsday.

Resource: Adam and Eve

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