We're All Unique in Our Anger

How easily people move through problematic anger will vary widely from person to person. For some the journey with anger is relatively easy and with a few months of dedicated process work they no longer find anger is giving them problems. For others, it may be years of dealing
with chronic anger before things finally lighten up.

Why it's easier for some than others has to do with the causes of anger and the depths at which those causes operate. Some causes may be relatively recent and superficial, and change may come with relative speed and ease. Other situations can be deeper and more complex and may take more time.

Once we have some understanding of our anger patterns, there are many methods to help us move forward. And whether anger is relatively new in our life if we find ourselves struggling with anger after some years, our best option is to start fresh right now and to make a journey forward with perseverance, intelligence, and gentleness.

Resource: Sorry I forgot to save the reference ID for this article.

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