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Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts

How to Deal With Impossible People

 Most people with personality disorders have what is sometimes referred to as "disorders of the self", because they often don't believe that there is anything wrong with them. They think, "This is me", or "This is the way have always been," and self-preservation makes them want to say that way. Personality disordered people are the ones who usually come to mind when we think of the term, "toxic person". Here are some insights and steps for dealing with these highly difficult-even, impossible-people.
  1.  Recognize that impossible people exist, and you will eventually encounter them.
  2. Be aware that some people aren't compatible
  3. understand that it's not you; it's them
  4. Defuse them
  5. Realize that you cannot deal with impossible people the same way you deal with everyone else
  6. Protect your self-esteem
  7. Guard against anger
  8. Give up self defense
  9. Understand that eventually, you and the impossible person will have to part ways
  10. Avoid letting the impossible person make you into a 'clone' of them
For more details please click here.
Special Thanks to: Anonymous, Jack H, James King and Amit_2506

Can Listening to Music Help Us Work Better?

We know that music can alter your mood. Films have been using musical scores for years to create the right mood for a scene. At times you hardly notice the music at all but you are very receptive to the mood being conveyed. So can we use music to put us in a "productive" mood?

Research seems to support such a claim. For example, a trial where 75 out of 256 workers at a large retail company were issued with personal stereos to wear at work for four weeks showed a 10% increase in productivity for the headphone wearers. Other similar research conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois found a 6.3% increase when compared with the no music control group.

So if we accept that music does increase productivity, does it matter what types of music we listen to? Does all music have the same effect or are certain types better in certain circumstances?

If your goal is to increase your concentration then music which has a constant, easy beat and light melodies are recommended. These are said to be good for those trying to study as they help you pace your reading to aid focus and memorising. Baroque music is reported as an excellent example, especially the works of Vivaldi, Bach and Handel.

Rock music can have a similar effect. According to a report in the journal Neuroscience of Behavior and Physiology, the Russian Academy of Sciences discovered that a person's ability to recognize visual images, including letters and numbers, is faster when either rock or classical music is playing in the background.

If you are aiming to be more productive through being more relaxed, then you may be interested to learn that research has shown that music with an upbeat rhythm can reduce stress hormone levels by as much as 41%.

Some of the most publicised studies into whether listening to music increases productivity have centred on what has been termed the "Mozart effect". The term got its name after a study showed that college students had performed better solving mathematical problems when listening to classical music. The effect of listening to Mozart does not appear to be limited to humans either. Apparently cows will produce more milk if Mozart is played.

Written by Mike Seddon
Resource: Articlesbase

We're All Unique in Our Anger

How easily people move through problematic anger will vary widely from person to person. For some the journey with anger is relatively easy and with a few months of dedicated process work they no longer find anger is giving them problems. For others, it may be years of dealing
with chronic anger before things finally lighten up.

Why it's easier for some than others has to do with the causes of anger and the depths at which those causes operate. Some causes may be relatively recent and superficial, and change may come with relative speed and ease. Other situations can be deeper and more complex and may take more time.

Once we have some understanding of our anger patterns, there are many methods to help us move forward. And whether anger is relatively new in our life if we find ourselves struggling with anger after some years, our best option is to start fresh right now and to make a journey forward with perseverance, intelligence, and gentleness.

Resource: Sorry I forgot to save the reference ID for this article.