Adam and Eve (Part 6)

The place of falling of Adam and Eve when they got down from paradise

What is famous from the Household (PUT) that Adam (PUH) fell down on Al-Safa and Eve on Al-Marwah [Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are two hills in Mecca and people go in between them seven times in pilgrimage season], and what is famous for the most of Muslims is that Adam (PUH) fell down on a mount called Sarandeeb [Notice: Sarandeeb is the old Arabic name for Ceylon, Sri Lanka now] and it is called Nud also, and Eve did fall in Jeddah, and some people suggested that this is the truth and their fall on Al-Safa and Al-Marwah was after they got into Mecca. From Hayat Al-Hayawan for Al-Domayri [hayat al-hayawan means the life of animals and seems it is a book's name] he said: Ka'b Al-Ahbar did say [Ka'b Al-Ahbar was a nickname for the chief priest of jews]: God revealed the snake in Asbahan [maybe he means Asfahan in Iran?] and Iblis in Jeddah and Eve in 'Arafah [a mount around Mecca] and Adam in Sarandeeb and it is in the higher region of China in the sea of India [this description is somehow close to modern day Sri Lanka], and it is a high place where seamen can see it from a distance of days and it bears the footprint of Adam (PUH) in stones, and this mount is seen each night as a lightning without clouds, and it rains in everyday to wash the foot steps of Adam (PUH), and it is told that Rubies are found in this mount and also Diamonds with Aloeswood (Agar wood, Oud, Ood).

In tales, that when Adam (PUH) came to Mecca from India by a commandment from God, every step he would take there would be a prosperity of land in its place, and everything in between was just a desert, all along the way until he reached Mecca, and when he reached Mecca he went around the Holy place.

It had been told also that when God got Adam down, He got down with him one hundred and twenty rods and branches that got every seed for every type of grains, and that he died on Friday, in the sixth of April in the same hour that he was created in, and he was nine hundred and thirty years old, and it had been said also that he died after he got forty thousands of his sons, grandsons and grand grandsons.

And from Abi Jafar Al-Baqir (PUH) that he said: God the Exalted one Inspired to Adam: O Adam, I would collect all goodness for you in four words, one for Me, one for you, one between Me and you, and one between you and people. The one for Me is that you worship Me and no one else, and the one for you is that I will reward you for your deeds as much as you need, and the one between Me and you is that you have to pray and praise Me and I will answer you, and the one between you and people is that you have to love for people what you love for yourself.
Some tidings mentioned that God revealed a book written in Syriac made of tweny one pages, and it is the first book ever to be revealed on human beings, and in it there was one thousand thousand [a million] tongues, no people with one of these tongues would understand the other without education, and Adam has the knowledge in every tongue and can speak it better than its native speakers, and contained also the clues of God and His worshippings, judgements, rules and laws ... etc. from Ibn 'Abbas that he said: When God created Adam, and Breathed in him from His Spirit, he sneezed and God inspired him to thank Him so he said: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, so his Lord said to him: mercy of your Lord be upon you. And when God made Angels prostrate before him, he got exclaimed and said: O Lord, You created a creation that is beloved to You more than me? but God didn't answer him, then he asked again, and God didn't answer, then he asked for the third time but god didn't answer him, then God did say: Yes, and for them only I did create you, then he said: O Lord let me see them, then God ordered the Angels of the veils to left off the veils, and when they did and Adam looked, he found out five ghosts in front of the Throne, then he said: O Lord who are they? then God did say: O Adam, this is my prophet Muhammad, and this is 'Ali the Prince of Believers, the cousin of my prophet and his viceroy, and this is Fatima the daughter of my prophet, and these two are Al-Hasan and Al-Husain the sons of 'Ali and sons of my prophet, then He said: and they are your descendants, so Adam got happy for this. And when he did the sin he said: O Lord I ask You by Muhammad and 'Ali and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain to relent toward me, and so God relented toward him by them, and this is what is meant by God's saying "Then Adam received from his Lord words (of revelation), and He relented toward him" (Al-Baqarah: 37). When Adam got down on earth, he made a ring and carved on it: Muhammad is the prophet of God and 'Ali is the Prince of Believers. It is mentioned also that Adam was called "Abi Muhammad" [meaning: father of Muhammad, it is a common Arabic way also to call men by the names of their elder males children as: Aba Nasir, meaning father of Nasir and so on. Aba could be Abu and Abi and this is subject to change according to the grammar of the Arabic language]

The mention of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (PUT) is repeated, and viewing them by Adam (PUH) is repeated also, once upon the leg of the Throne, once on the door of the Throne and once in front of the Throne and so on. They are mentioned once by the Holy name of God, the Exalted, one time and another without It, and all of this would not be a reason for confusion and it would be fine to consider all of that is correct to show their virtues and how they are different from the others and so people would not have to argue about it with God, and so everyone would die and live with its knowledgement and Allah is no oppressor of (His) bondmen.

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