Adam and Eve (Part 3)

From Musa ben Jafar (PUH), that a jew came and asked the Prince of Believers (PUH) about a miracle for the prophet (PUH) like the miracles of other prophets, and that God made Angels prostrate before Adam so would that be also for Muhammad (PUH)? so 'Ali (PUH) answered: that was indeed, but God made the Angels prostrate for Adam not for obeying nor worshipping Adam instead of God, but it was as a confession from them for the virtues of Adam (PUH), and for Muhammad (PUH) he was given what is better than this and higher, and that is because God assigned blessings upon him in His Highness and ordered the Angels to say the blessings upon him, and also the believers worship and pray by saying the blessings upon him <> and this is in a place much higher and greater than prostrating before Adam (PUH), and in the speech of God to the damned Iblis: Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted? (Sad: 75), and in a speech for the prophet of God (PUH) that these "high exalted" are the prophet himself (PUH), Muhammad ben 'Abdullah (PUH) and 'Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (PUT), then said the prophet (PUH): we were in the awning of the Throne, sanctifying God and Angels with us, before creating Adam by two thousands years, and when God created Adam He commanded the Angels to prostrate before him but Did not command us, and so all the Angels prostrated except Iblis, so then God said to him: Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted? Meaning of the these five that their names are written on the awning of the Throne.

From 'Ali ben Al-Husain (PUH): Adam did look to the apex of the Throne and saw the lights of our ghosts, so then God said to him: O Adam, these ghosts are the best of my creation. Then He told him their names and Told him: By them I take and by them I give and by them I punish and by them I reward, O Adam ask me by them, and when you are in trouble make them your intercessors to me, because I decided not to refuse any requests (prayers) made by them. That's why after that after he and Eve got into the trouble of the sin, he prayed and asked God by their names so then God made a repentace upon him.

From an interpretation from Al-Imam Al-'Askari (PUH) in a long speech and this is part of it: When God put Al-Husain ben 'Ali (PUH) and these who were with him under the test by the army that wanted to kill him, he (Al-Husain PUH) saw their large numbers and saw his folks and knew that they want not but him, and whenever they would kill him they wouldn't ask for another, and so he released them (his folks) from their swear of fealty and commanded them to quit and depart him and said to them: let me with these. God helps me as He used to be with our ancestors, and his folks did depart him except few of them. His closer relatives and household refused to leave and told him: we will not leave you until we die for thee O Aba 'Abdullah [another name for Al-Husain PUH] and when he saw their assertiveness and that they would not leave him until they die for him, he said to them: if you decided for yourselves what I decided for myself then know that God gives the high places for his slaves by their patience for the troubles they face and that you will have that from God's gifts to you, and know that this life is just a dream and the after life is the real awakening. Shall not I tell you our beginnings? They answered: for sure O son of the prophet, then he said: When God created Adam, He told him the names of everything, and when He showed them to the Angels they said "We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us" (Al-Baqarah: 32) and He made the lights of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain and they are the five ghosts, at the back of Adam, and their lights were shining in the horizons of heavens, veils, paradises, the Chair (?) and the Throne, and God then commanded the Angels to prostrate before Adam as an endearment for he was but a container for these ghosts that their lights shined in the horizons, so the Angels did prostrate except Iblis who denied to be humble for our lights we the Household, after the Angels did humbling and obeyed the command of God and for this their level got higher and got the honour, and Iblis was damned and exiled out and shame got upon him and so he is a foe for Him and His faithful slaves until the doomsday.

It was mentioned in some tales of Al-Sadiqiyah [here, maybe it meant tales that was told by Al-Sadiq PUH] and also from 'Ali ben Ibrahim about the saying of God: Till the Day of appointed time (Al-Hijr: 38), what is meant here is the time when he (Iblis) gets slaughtered by the hands of the prophet of God (PUH) on the Rock that is in Jerusalem. Al-Sayed Al-Jaza'eri said that he (Iblis) was appointed til the day of the appearance of Al-Mahdee (PUH) and it is the minor doomsday, and there are lot of tidings about this matter, and we have explained what is related to this subject in the introduction of this book that you read now, and the return of the prophets and messengers and in special our prophet Muhammad The Chosen (PUH) and the purified Imams (PUT) after the appearance of the "Awaited Absent" may our souls be in ransom to him to take revenge of their foes, is something that must be and it is one of the believes for Shiites, or lets say most of the Muslims in general, and it is called the minor doomsday, but only after the long journey with troubles and when most of the created would turn away from the path and life would be full of wrong and injustice, it is then when we shall see the release is close and it is the time. May God paces up the re-appearance of Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and May He make us one of their supporters and companions, and martyrs between their hands by the rights of the prophet and his purified Household (PUT).

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