Adam and Eve (Part 7).:Page 1:.

Crying of Adam (PUH) for paradise

It was told that Adam (PUH) cried for paradise until it was like great rivers on his cheeks because of tears, and he stood at the door of Kaba and his clothes were of the skins of cows and camels and said: O Lord help me with my mistake and Make repentace upon me and Let me back into the place that I were in. Then said God, the Exalted one: I helped you, and Made repentace upon you and I will let you back in the place that I got you out from. It is doubtless that what we understand and everyone with the right mind would understand as well that the paradise that Adam is asking his Lord to be back into is the paradise of eternity, and it was the place that he were in and got out from, and the clue to that is the tidings about him viewing the place (level) of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (PUT) and that he saw their names written on the corners of the Throne and it was told that the Throne is the roof of paradise as mentioned in Hadith, and it is behind heavens and its roof is the Throne.

Add to that, the words of revelation that Adam received from his Lord and Relented toward him were of Muhammad and his Household (PUT) and His Holy saying "fulfilled them"(Al-Baqarah: 124) meaning until Al-Qa'im Al-Mahdi from the Household of Muhammad (PUH), they are the twelve Imams adding the nine descendants of Al-Husain (PUT).

Also mentioned that the words that Adam received from his Lord are His Holy saying "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves..etc"(Al-A'raf: 23) and also mentioned they are the prayer of the prophet (PUH): O praise be to You my Lord and Thanks..etc [This is a line from a prayer that seems famous but I didn't get to know], and other things had been mentioned also but the probability that all of that is true is not impossible, but the most common base is what was mentioned by the purified masters that the words that was received were their names (PUT). As supported by Al-Mofadhal ben 'Omar he said: Abu 'Abdullah Al-Sadiq (PUH) said: God, the Exalted, may praise be to Him, created the souls before the bodies by two thousands, and Made the higher of them and the most honourable are these of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain, and the rest of the Imams after them (PUT), and Showed them to the heavens and earth with mounts and their lights covered them all, then God did say to the heavens and earth with the mounts: these are my judges and rulers over my creations, for them and for these who follow their path I made My paradise, and for these who oppose them I made My hell, and whoever claims their position from Me and their greatness I would torture him like I did not Do to anyone else, and whoever agreed to be loyal to them and never claimed their position I shall Let him be with them in paradise, and being loyal to them is a fidelity to be taken by My creation..etc. It is a long speech where he mentioned their virtues and the goodness that would be to these who would be loyal to them and the damnations on whoever take them as a foe and took over their rights and helped others over them and whoever does this, God Prepared for him the shame and torture. Also in it there is a warning for these who wishes for their places, and that when Adam and Eve (PUT) got down to earth, Gabriel (PUH) came to them and guided them to ask their Lord by the right of the names that they saw on the leg of the Throne to Relent toward them, so then they said: O Lord we ask You by the right of theclosest to You, Muhammd and 'Ali and Fatima and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain and the Imams after them to Relent toward us and Have mercy upon us, so then God relented toward them. All the prophets after that kept this fidelity then and advised their viceroys and the loyals of their nations so they denied to claim it for themselves and never forgot about it, and whoever's soul might get sick and get wicked by his demons to put himself in such place, damnations he will get from God and torture, and for this God, the Exalted, did say "Lo! We offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the hills, but they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed it. Lo! he hath proved a tyrant and a fool"(Al-Ahzab: 72).

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