A Song Of A Deaf

I was born in a village full of an artistic people. Everyone is the best artist in their field of work. They were known for the best craftsman, the best poetry, the best philosopher, the best musician, and the best singer that world ever known; and among all, singer is the most well-known.

I grew up among people that do sing a lot in daily life, even while they're talking, eating, walking, and even in dreaming. I love the look of their faces, full of smile, and they alway live their life to the fullest and filled with happiness. So then it decided, I want to be a singer while I didn't really notice that singing does have sound because my entire life said differently.

A song of a deaf
I start to learn singing with friends, I heard the 'sound' coming from their mouths, I can  'hear' the rhythm of their lips moving up and down; and I start mimicking its movement and I began enjoying the beautiful 'voices' that I learn. Day after day, I become a good listener rather then a good singer. I sing when they want me to, and I begin to notice the smiles I received, the excitement faces that I saw, wasn't really as I expected.

There's something wrong. One day, there was an annual festival held and everyone  will sing a song with the theme, 'Memoir of Sailor'. I work hard for this moment, I wrote the most beautiful lyric I can ever made, and practice countless time, but among hundreds that hear my song, only a response then make me realize a hard fact about my life.

"My dear son, that was a good song that I ever heard, but so sad no one tried to understand. They're clapping hands and smile, while the song is telling differently; because they just hear a song with sound, while you're singing with no voice but can be heard with no ears. Living is not just pleasing other people son, but it about appreciation of who you are. If today no one understand you, don't give up, because you already can see what they can only see after hundreds of years. You're not a broken part, but you're a missing part that will complete the puzzle of this people. Have trust in yourself; and only people with strong believe can live happily."

Written by fzikuz

1 comment:

  1. Hi.. Jom Join Giveaway sulung kak lily ? hadiah menarik ?
