
I had come to the end,
Of a journey I’m in,
There’s no more path to the front,
And it is a farewell time.

Its two years long,
You have been my companion,
You came when I’m alone,
And then I begin to learn.

You’re a beautiful person,
You’re indeed special,
You made my day better,
You’re a great friend, forever!

I’ll never forget this bond,
A friendship we created along,
Even when I’m gone,
Within you they exist, fzikuz and Ceritakudulu.

Written by Nik Ahmad Fariq B Nik Ibrahim
Monday, April 25, 2011

Every beginning will have its end, and I found that my time had come. I'll always be there if you want me to, please contact me if you have anything in mind [ fzikuz at gmail dot com ]. Thank you for your never end support to Ceritakudulu! 

|Creator and  Author|
Nik Ahmad Fariq B Nik Ibrahim


  1. nice writing...hope u'll change ur mind.. ^_^

  2. kenapa? dah tak update blog ni lagi ke? hmmm...

  3. @Faaein: Yup,this blog will have no more update after this. The reason; well seems like I have completed the task that I supposed to do.. But, still I'll give responds to anything happen in here. ^^
    Thanks for your support!

  4. oooo.. i see..

    ok.. by the way good luck to finish your task.. =]

    dah setel semua.. update2 lah.. hehehe..

  5. u r back ?? missing u bro . . ^^
