The Lost Gift

Youth is such a beautiful age,
Lot of adventures and risks to take,
In each steps to move ahead,
Life is just a wonderful voyage.

But I wonder what happen in next stage,
When there are wrinkles covering face,
When the spine no longer straight,
When the energy left is just a fake,

I saw them crying in this age,
And I asked why they show this face,
After all luxury they poses,
And friends surrounded in proud.

“How can I possibly smile and laugh?
When my life is lack of love,
From the one that really precious,
My child is the only glorious”.

Written by Nik Ahmad Fariq B Nik Ibrahim
Saturday, May 29, 2010


  1. wow..
    nice poem.
    memang suka mengarang eh?

    p/s : the song pon cam kena jer ngan mood poem ni. nice one. ;)

  2. Thanks Yus coz dtg visit,, =)
    mngarang? hurm, bleh lh.. tp xde lh srius ngan mngarng ni.. ^_^
